Avery, Calder, Clarkia Idaho

(208) 245-2479
Contact Us

Avery School District 394

Phone Icon (208) 568-2542

Educating Students for Over 100 Years

Home of the Calder Wolverines

Stay informed about what's happening in our school district.

(208) 245-2479

School Calendar

The Calder School operates on a 4-day school week and has for many years. The 4-day school week benefits our students, teachers, and families by allowing time during the week for medical appointments and other engagements without negatively impacting student or teacher attendance and while still attaining the state required seat time for students. Furthermore, staff can participate in meetings and professional development on Fridays rather than meeting before or after school.
The Avery School District values our time with our students and takes great pride in the professionalism of our staff and the academic achievements of our students; the District also recognizes the importance of staff and students spending time with their loved ones outside of school. Therefore, Calder School students begin school each year in September after Labor Day and are released for the summer before the Memorial Day holiday in May. Students and teachers get a significant summer break to reflect, relax, and revive prior to the start of the next school year.
In order for students to get the most out of their time in school between September and May, students are in session roughly one Friday per month.

Bell Schedule
8:30   Optional Breakfast
8:45   School Begins
10:15 - 10:30 Morning Break
12:00 - 12:45 Lunch
2:30 - 2:45 Afternoon Break
4:00   School Release

Calder Weather Station 

Winter Forest Summer Forest


Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

(208) 245-2479

Service Area
Avery, Calder, and Clarkia, Idaho

Administrative Office
P.O. Box 7
Avery, ID 83802
Sheila Cottier
Phone: (208) 245-2479
Fax: (208) 245-2760


#1 School House Hill Ln
Calder, ID 83808

PO Box 7, Avery ID 83802


Administration and Staff:

Megan Sindt 

Principal/Curriculum Director:
Megan Sindt

Ann Heida
Renee McQuade

Title 1 Aid:

Lyssa Duran

Office Manager: Public Records Custodian

Sheila Cottier

Renee McQuade
Angel Aparicio

Information Technology:
Don Watson

*The Avery Administration Office is located next to the Calder School in Calder, Idaho. The office is in a portable building above and to the right of the school. The maxium student capacity of this school is 20 students per year. We currently have 9 students in kindergarten through eighth grades. We have vacancies for 11 students in K-8.   

Driving Directions

The Calder School and the Avery Administration Office are 24 miles from St. Maries on the St. Joe River Road in Calder, Idaho. After turning left to Calder from the St. Joe River Road, you are on Elk Prairie Road. Go through town and turn right on North Side Road, go up the hill 100 yards, and turn left into the school parking lot.

#1 School House Hill Ln., Calder, Idaho 83808

Important: The road from Wallace, Idaho, to Avery, over Moon Pass, is closed in winter and can be hazardous in the fall and spring. Gold Pass from Montana is closed after the first snowfall.